The past weekend was one where everything finally came together. The weather was great, Amber Doug and I timed the tasks correctly, and for once we accomplished more than we had set out thinking we could.
First and foremost all the drywall is hung and the finishers should be in mid week. That being said there was a lot of detail that went into getting to that point. Amber worked all weekend filling the first of two dumpsters with the scrapped drywall and making sure the floors were clear of tripping hazards, while I finished framing in a closet and the archways. Once the Dumpster was filled and the arches built we last piece of wall was put up, then we danced the drywall dance and got drinks.
What really made the weekend though was today was as productive as yesterday. Amber measured and cut all the corner beads while I went around and tacked them in place. I had initially thought this would take quite a bit of time, however we had it finished in a few hours and got a chance to take back a pile of returns that had been building up the past few months. But wait there's more. Since the sun was out and it was still early afternoon we went room by room gathering up tools, screws, nails, trash, lumber, and anything else under foot, organized it and then moved it out of the way of the finishers (to the basement). It is a very strange thing, but the spaces are open, all the walls are in place, and probably by the 21st we should have the painting started. So nights and weekends with great help do move mountains.
Amber filled the dumpster without an inch to spare |
An Excellent Dumpster company to rent from extremely helpful and accommodating |
Entry Way Barrel arches |
Closer look at the arch |
Entry Closet |
Building the Arch |
Installing the arches |
Putting up the "Last" piece of drywall (it turns out that it was actually the second to last) |
Unfinished interior doors |
Lonely sawhorses |
Corner Beaded Drywall |
More Corner Beading |