Sunday, June 24, 2012

Home Stretch of Home

Putting in the Mortar Joints

Extruding Mortar Joints

Striking Mortar Joint

Working on the second story

Putting on more Brick

More Jointing

Half the front finished 

As you can see the two week clean up is going to be needed 
3/4 of the back finished

Doug slabbed bricks out for the greater part of Sunday

Finishing up on the second tier of Scaffolding 

Matching brick Corners  

Waste brick

Dusty Jeans, Bricks and Chalk Line

Checkers posing 

Chess Posing 

Bright afternoon for the windows 

Getting art hung...finally

Amber filling woodwork

Amber Hand modeling the wood filler
Well the one thing that wood filling and brick work have in common is they are both apparently slow, difficult, and boring really really boring.  That being said Amber finished the wood fill this weekend and had enough time to give roller derby a shot.  I was not so lucky and the brick continues on, and on. You might find yourself asking isn't there a light at the end of the tunnel, and I can distinctively say for the first time with certainty a resounding...Yes!  It looks like the brick will take another two on the outset three days to finish which will give Amber and I about two weeks of rest were we can clean the house and clean up the grounds for the Open House (Which will be on Saturday 6-14-2012 from 9am -5pm ).  So after three years Home is truly in the home stretch.   


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