Today ended up being a construction day where everything just worked. The measurements were all right, tools were where you remembered leaving them, or still in you belt, and most of all it was sunny and warm! The morning started out with a phonecall from the Menards delivery man who had 15 sheets of treated plywood to drop off. Generally I pick up my own materials instead of having them delivered (because it is free that way, and im super cheap), but the sheathing weighs about 120-130 lbs per sheet and it would have taken four trips cross town to get, so I figured that a saved back and not running errands for half the day was worth 39.99 extra. I helped the man unload the plywood and bought him a cup of coffee in the interum between when the order arived and when Lynch was supposed to get there. The first order of the day was to get the remainder of the windows installed on the old porch-face. Supprisingly 4 out of the 5 of them went in without any problems (frames not being square, spaces too small, etc), and all the 5th one needed a little shaving off the edges. With the windows sealed with foam and locked into place with temporary pieces of trim we broke for lunch.
Generally the day winds down after lunch, we pick up the mess, gather tools and either shut the project down entirely or prep a bit for the next day. However today it did any thing but slow down. Refuled and rehydrated we removed all the siding and "weatherboard" (truly an awful construction material) from one of the sides on the second story and started putting in new columns. We ended about seven with a beer and will be back at it again tomorrow morning bright and early for hopefully another day that goes as well.
That is awesome! I'm glad things went so well. You going to be there Saturday? I may drop by just to say hey.